A check in of sorts.
In the last few weeks, you:
Say: hot, dog, cat, neigh (when picking up the horse puzzle piece. I think Grandma taught you this), cup, doh (as in playdoh), boo (which I thought was book but really its the peek a boo book), and shoe
Are officially sleeping in your very own big boy bed (unless its super hot in your room. We have to get another air conditioner for summer). You in total Asher style could care less about the change. I lay with you till you fall asleep and once you are asleep I slip away. You get up at some point (usually around 3-4am) for a bottle and you either cry or you get out of bed and come get me but you always go right back to sleep after the bottle. No begging me to stay or even noticing when I leave. You are always sprawled out (like you are a snow angel) when I check on you so I think you enjoy the extra space.
Are reading longer books and requesting books even more during the day. We get a big pile of books and sit on the bean bag chair and just read. Its really cool. I love that you and your sister let me read to you so often.
Are starting to show a little hesitation to new places and things. Its funny because I thought you were just going to skip the holding on to my leg phase but now when you go to a new park or a crowded place you either say "Up" or just literally hold onto my leg. It never lasts more than a few minutes but it is interesting.
Are starting to get really vocal and try to say new words all the time. Its exciting.
Like to go super high in the swings and go down slides all by yourself.
Go up and down stairs all by yourself now.
Are EXTREMELY huggy and want to be by me all the time (you run through the house looking for me screaming mama mama when you can't find me - OMG so cute!) but also stepping up what I'm calling your Boy game. You are much more aggressive than your sister has ever been in her whole life and just recently starting to pull hair. Like where did you learn that? And it seriously hurts. I sternly tell you NO and then you stop but seriously you pulled out a decent chunk of hair yesterday.
RUN! Oh my god you RUN everywhere you go. All day long. If you are walking, you are tired.
Are still the hands down the easiest baby to make laugh. I mean its not even a challenge. A little light tickling and you are rolling in intense laughter. I love that.
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