Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sunday Swimming

You and your sister got up riducously early this morning so you both took naps.  When you got up, we went to the Niles pool.  It was terrifyingly awesome how fearless you were towards the pool.  You would just jump right in and are already kicking and lying on your back.  I'm thinking of getting you those arms floaters so you can swim around by yourself... We shall see.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum

So many frogs this week

Stared at this guys FOREVER.  You kept saying, "Polar bear scary, Mommy." and then just continue to run back and look at it.

Goldfish and a waterfall

Love it.  I owe that butterfly a cup of nectar.  He just sat there for a good 5 minutes.


One crawled on your finger

Oh look MORE napping birds.  You like the "chicken eggs"

On a ship

Sliding it up

This was supposed to be underground but you and your sister kept calling it a cave because well it was.

I still don't get where all the water went.


Hello.  Aria said you were a duck.  

This fish kept opening and closing his mouth so Aria was convinced he was trying to eat her but you were like bring it on little fish and got closer.

You didn't have the patience to sit down today.

Tree Cuteness
Sibling love

Geese Encounter

(Look I can add video right to the post again!  It just took a 30 minute blogger update.  But so worth it!)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Rainy Zoo Day

Jumping Frogs!

Aria is holding the umbrella for you. Sibling sweetness

You did not like the carousal at all.  

Literally, the whole time you repeated "I don't like it Mommy" in your British voice.  Aria shared this sentiment as well.  She clung to me the whole time only lifting her head to say, "I do not like the carousel Mommy" in her serious voice.  

The happiest you got.  It stopped at this point.  BUT we tried!

Aria is telling you to stop feeding him because he was going to get a tummy ache.
(I didn't realize I got her little hands on her hips reprimanding you - love that. So classic Aria - the rule enforcer)

"Whatever sister...still feeding it"

"Eat till you explode little duck!  Just stay right here and let me look and talk to you!"  

"I climbing this!"

OMG your face!