Friday, April 22, 2011

Goo baby

(This video seems really dark on my computer but I'm not sure if it is my computer or the video)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fur Brother

Blue Steel (its zoolander people google it)

Milestone check list

Three Months:

Lifts and turns head from side to side when lying on stomach
Grasps rattle when placed in hand
Smiles when smiled at
Follows moving object or person with eyes
Turns head toward bright colors and lights and toward the sound of a human voice
Makes cooing and gurgling sounds
Reacts to peek-a-boo games
Bats at toys
Can bear weight on legs
Blows bubbles

Checks all the way down!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

First time in a swing

Consuming himself

Bath time is fun time

Notice the comb over

The dreaded tummy time

dear asher

My dearest Asher,
Congratulations you are an infant! But truth be told, if we were going on size and weight, you were an infant last month. Nonetheless, you are now THREE months old. You are so deliciously beefy ( 17 pounds now) and I eat those gorgeous little cheeks of yours every chance I get – at least 20 times a day. Okay let’s see. In this past month, your neck control is seriously amazing. For a lad your age, you can seriously hold your head up for long periods of time and you love to do this lunging forward motion that has banned you from the couch for fear of you falling off. You sleep in your crib now which is pushed up against Mom and Dad’s bed. Initially, I did this because you had a cold and had to sleep propped up but now truth be told, I kind of like it. I like you being so close to me. In the morning, you are just ear to ear smiles for literally the first 10 minutes you are up. Milestone moment of the month – you laughed. It was adorable and me and Dad are desperately trying to get you to do it again.
Things you love:
Your mobile- This the hands down best present in the world. You will just lay there and study it for a half an hour some days and I’m never too sure of when you get up from a nap because I always go in there to find you kicking and staring at it.
Your momma – not only do you smile when I talk, you follow me around the room with your eyes and in the middle of the night you sometimes fidget and get antsy and then I put my hand on your belly and you instantly settle down. Oh and you will only laugh for ME. Does wonders for my ego. Thank you
Your daddy – he does his silly Worthington bit and uses his finger to make you talk and you just think it is the funniest bit you have ever heard. He puts you to sleep at night and on the weekends you guys hang out and play video games.
Your sister – you just watch her dance and constantly move in awe and I catch you just randomly smiling at her all the time
Kicking and moving your arms – seriously though, you are a very physically active infant. Anywhere I put you, you are always moving.
Your binky – but only when you are tired

Smile an insane amount
Talk all the time – your little coos and goos are ridiculously cute and I swear you say HI
Love the bath
Are a champion sleeper – you take short cat naps during the day and you are ALWAYS sleeping by 7:30pm and usually sleep till like 2am get a bottle and then sleep in till 6:30-7
Are in 6-9 month pants and most shirts – my beefy little man…
Still observe and take in everything around you. I’ve watched a lot of babies and I’ve never seen a baby who is more aware of his surrounding than you.
Will tolerate the baby bjorn but would rather be held ( the stroller puts you to sleep and if you aren’t tired you want OUT)
Love to sleep in my arms off and on during the night – at least once a night usually right after a bottle you will be dosing off to sleep and then you will open your eyes big and wide and look at me and then smile. Best feeling ever.
Drool and eat your hands pretty much all day
Have a crush on the boy in your swing’s mirror

Being hot
Getting lotioned up after a bath – I don’t know why but you are not fond of it

I love you more than you could ever imagine