Sunday, July 22, 2012

18 months and 2 weeks old!

Dear Nuggie,

It's funny because I think that if I would have actually finished this letter two weeks ago when I started it, there would be so many things that I couldn't have said.  Plus, I honestly wanted to wait till we went to your 18 month check up to round off the "18 month old" letter.  Anywho....

As math would have it, you are now a year and a half.  In two weeks, you will be 5 months away from turning TWO! As silly as it always sounds, that is INSANE.  Sometimes we play this game where I rock you like a baby and then toss you on the bed (which you think is HIGHlarious) and in those 10 seconds of rocking you I sometimes just look at you and think "Wow, not too long ago you were a tiny baby that I was rocking to sleep" but then reality hits me and in real time it actually was a long time ago.  Over a year at least.  But as I have said and will say in probably every letter EVER it just goes by so fast.  I take at least two pictures of you and your sister EVERY SINGLE DAY and the other day someone asked me what I was going to do with ALL those pictures and because I really am this lame I said "Cherish them in 10 years".  Right now, every day you and your sister are changing and doing new things.  Every single solidarity day.  I'm sure when you are 10, I will cut back to one a day so don't fret.

The Stats: 18 month old Asher weighs 27 pounds and 11 oz and is 34 1/2 inches tall. 

And describing you in written form is kind of impossible.  You exude JOY 90% of the time and its palpable in your presence.  I find it almost impossible to stay in a bad mood when you are awake.  It's so true to my sappy self but I can't help get a little kerflempt while even thinking about how to describe it.  You give my life color, laughter, so much sweetness, yet while definitely keeping me alert and on my toes. Every mom thinks her kid is special, but you my love are not just special, you light up a room. 

At this moment you are sleeping in your bed - a real life big boy bed - where you have slept for about two months now. You just last week started sleeping with a blanket and that added 10 cuteness points to your already full cuteness bank.  You still suck your thumb and I still think its adorable.

You eat constantly and will at least try every single thing I give you.  I really think that you are going to be an adventurous eater and I'm stoked about that.

You climb on every single thing that A. can be climbed on and B. should not be climbed on.  Tables. Chairs. Step ladders.  Entertainment centers.  Beds. Bookshelves.  Normal stuff like stairs (which you hold onto the banister and climb all by yourself) and park equipment doesn't hold the real danger factor so those bore you quickly.

You are CONSTANTLY documenting.  I honestly think that you are going to be some kind of writer or journalist.  You are almost ALWAYS carrying around a little notebook and a crayon and documenting everything around you.  It is not only one of the cutest things you do but its how you do it that is so cute.  You intensely scribble like you are working on front page material and sometimes you will put it down, go play or read, and then run back and document all that you have thus learned. I have probably 20 pictures of you documenting.
Here is just one: .   Elmo.  Let's chat about Elmo.  You are seriously OBSESSED with Elmo. There are tons of days that start off "Mama, Elmo".  Books, shows, computer games.  If it has Elmo, it has your attention.    But I mean come on how cute are you and that stuffed animal.

Those are three things that I instantly think of when I think of you but more than those I think of how you just may be a genius.  For reals.  Okay, maybe not for reals for reals but you are absolutely advanced.  We are AMAZED at how many and how clear the words that you say are.  Every day brings a new word.  Literally every day.  And its not just say it and move on.  You remember them and use them after you have been told them.  Crazy hard (for a baby) words like - of the top of my head - mama, dad, grandma, Aria (working on it), banana, pillow, Foofa (yo gabba gabba), flower, playdoh, pretzel, bunny, Big Bird, apple, -tons of two or three syllable words.  You even say "Gotcha Ya", "thank you" and "Icky Dippee".  Seriously!  Plus, if say something like "Asher go get another book" or "Where is Dad?" or "Can you jump?", you actually do every single thing we ask of you.  That is huge.  You totally understand and can usually respond to everything I say.  It boggles my mind.  And it just keeps getting better and more advanced. 

You LOVE to read.  LOVE it.  We read the same books to you three and four times till you move on to another book.  Books are where the real talking performances happen.  Oh and puzzles.  You have two puzzles that you do 10 times a day every day.  They are animals.  Nay is horse. Bah is sheep. Duck is duck. Cow is cow but yesterday I asked you what sound a cow makes and I swear you said moo.  You have that little toy that you pull the lever and it makes animal sounds so I think that's helping on the sound front. 

And the sweetness.  OMG the sweetness.  You give out hugs and kisses and will hold hands like no one's business. You need me to cuddle with you when you go to sleep (or wake up prematurely) and you curl up into my body and say hug so I cuddle you to sleep.  And I've said it before but alas I will say it again.  I will fiercely FIERCELY miss that when you just put yourself to sleep.  You are constantly on the go go go during the day and unless you fall or are tired you barely stop long enough to get a good cuddle.  Oh and the random acts of cuteness is just overwhelming.  The other day you found this picture of you and Grandma and you held it for the longest time saying grandma at least a billion times - for reals - and you would go off and then come back and point and say grandma and I would say yes love and then!  Omg and then out of nowhere you pointed and said grandma and then kissed the picture.  OMG I just swooned from the cuteness in my head.  It was so cute that "cute" becomes utterly meaningless.  You give me random kisses and hugs all day long.  You will just tackle me and squeeze me.  If I go into another room, you will yell mama and come running to find me and then say Up and then just squeeze me.  I could go on for like a million sentences on the sweetness so I will just stop.

The last thing that comes to mind is your silliness.  OMG you are so silly/funny/spontanous/just plain awesome.  You laugh and smile and are just my endless source of joy that I will forever be thankful for. Sometimes, you will just run back and forth in a room screaming sometimes or put something on your head and run into Aria.  Who by the way usually also finds you HIGHlarious and trust me buddy she is a tough crowd so if you can make her laugh, you are funny.  You do things like this:
all the time!  And really there is just no way I could even try to describe all the wonderful craziness that you do everyday. So I'll stop there.

I could go on for hour and hours so I guess I should stop.  You just have so much personality and you are so adaptable and such a go with the flow kind of kid.  You are a kid now Asher.  Isn't that nuts?

I try to explain to you and your sister how much I love you and our new family thing is googolplex +1. See a googolplex is this crazy number that is best described as this: 

It is estimated that writing a googolplex in standard form (i.e., "10,000,000,000...") would be physically impossible, since doing so would require more space than the known universe provides

So basically its this indescribable thing and that's how much I love you and your sister. - that giant indescribable number +1.

So I love you Asher - a googolplex +1 for every day that I'm alive and then some.
