Insert adorable seven month photos here.
Dear Asher,
I always take FOREVER to write these letters to you and your sister. I’m talking like hours little dude and quite frankly I’m over it. They never sound like anything I would actually write or even say on a day to day basis. They end up sounding like the thoughts of a sappy , emotionally tortured mommy who can’t bear to have her babies grow. And I am that. Completely. But not ALL the time. So I’ve started this new tradition where I write these letters in 30 minutes off the top of my head. I used to prepare notes and bullet points. Don’t judge me. So here it is:
You are SEVEN months old today and that is insane. It is now closer to your first birthday then your actual birth. When I think of what I want you to know about seven month old you, it would be that you are the beefest happiest baby boy I have ever had. Your little plump body gets squished, zerbert-ed, and squeezed literally on an hourly basis. And your poor little cheeks withstand probably 100 kisses a day.
Not to take a step backwards, but I’m running out of time so I must resort to the bullet points.
Seven month old you:
-Can sit up all by yourself
-LOVE to stand up
-Eats baby food on a daily basis now (sweet potatoes, applesauce, and prunes are your favs)
-Puts EVERYTHING in your mouth. At this very moment, you are sitting on the floor eating the bottom of my pants. Yesterday, you got enraged because you couldn’t get a ball to contort and fit in your mouth.
-SCREAM.VERY LOUDLY. Just for fun.
-Talk, talk, talk. You even say da da now
-Lunge forward to eat people or things.
-Suck your thumb a good 70% of the time – damn teeth
-Love watching and laughing at your sister (she’ll come around don’t worry)
-Laugh and smile all the time – even for strangers
-Have the cutest little face that I cannot resist snuggling and hugging all day long
-LOVE when Dad comes home. You do this HUGE smile and body shaking combination that is so adorable it hurts my heart to watch.
-Have a very easy going anything goes kind of personality
And really that list doesn’t even do you justice. Right now, you are repeatedly lunging for my leg and trying to take bites out of it while making these yummmmm kind of sound and when I look at you and say “What are you doing?!” You break out into a huge smile/half laugh. That really is the best snapshot of seven month old you.
I love you more than you could ever imagine.
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