15 pounds of delicious baby-ness
Dear Asher,
Ready for it…. You are TWO months old. You are now 15 pounds of delicious baby beefiness. We are casually calling you Lord Beefington due to your girth. And you have officially mastered one milestone – Smiling! Now truth be told, I think you’ve been smiling for some time now, but Dad insists it was gas. It is the cutest little toothless grin ever. Combine the smile with your adorable little cheeks and I basically attempt to consume you every chance I get. I get in at least 50 kisses a day.
You still do your fair share of eating, pooping and sleeping of course. But you are hands down the most aware baby I have ever been around. And you have mastered sleeping through your sister’s screams and general loudness. It’s actually amazing what you can sleep through sometimes. Because of your awareness, Dad is able to play all of his weird role playing games with you. He is Worthington and you are Lord Beefington and he is your butler I believe. I’ll let me explain the game. And little man, I apologize if Dad is still playing this game when you are reading this because THAT would be weird.
Speaking of your sister, she is starting to understand that we are indeed keeping you so maybe she should spend a little time getting to know you. She is starting to touch your hands and get closer to you. She REALLY really loves you – she just doesn’t know it yet. I promise one day she will give you kisses and want to be by you always (at least that is the kind of behavior I’m aiming for). She does cry when you do so see she empathizes with your pain.
Oh and before I forget, I think you may be meant to be a dancer or a soccer player. You kick kick kick kick kick your legs ALL the time. I mean you do it so much that you have almost fallen off the couch. I can’t wait to see what next month brings.
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