Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's all fun and games till someone gets kicked

Click here for cuteness

Asher says...

6 am this morning:

You whispering:  "Mommy, what are you doing?"

Me:  "Sleeping"

You still whispering:  "Asher up"

Just imagine this in your adorable little voice.  Needless to say, I got up at 6 this morning...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Before bed book limitations

I just went in to check on you before heading to bed and you were laying horizontal to the point of almost falling off the bed.  So I lifted you up to put you back on your pillow and in between the lifting and the pillow you started to freak out.  So I was telling you it's ok and I'm right here and as I put you on the pillow you yelled, " OH NO DINOSAURS!".

Clearly no more dinosaur books before bed from now on.

More "reading"

Click here for cuteness

P.S.  It is hard to turn the pages and hold the camera so that's why you can only see his adorable face and not the book...