Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Genius Baby

Click here for cuteness

I love the end where he hears Elmo and races toward him.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Normal Day

Click here for cuteness

This is six minutes.  Imagine keeping up with this all day long.  Now you know why I go to bed early.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


You say hot,hat, and hug.  When we go outside and its hot, before I even say anything, you say "hot" and then start blowing.  (because its hot...get it?)

You can throw a ball and almost catch it. 

You can stack four blocks up (before impulsively knocking them down)

And when Dad goes to work, you and your sister both kiss and hug Dad (omg so ADORABLE) and then you say and wave bye bye while Aria says, "Close the door" while closing the door.  Everyday the same adorable routine.

Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4, 2012

Obsessions:  ELMO, Elmo Says Achoo (we read that book seriously at least 30 times a day) and your Elmo shirt so yeah basically Elmo

You will repeat ANY word you ask you too (or at least try) and it's amazing.  New words that you say all by herself: shirt, paper, car, duck, cat, shoe, doh (play doh).  You have mastered up and thank you lately using them (clearly and with intention) all the time. 

Words you are working on: Grandma, Aria, and either color or crayon - I hear a cr but after that you lose me.

Filed under genius baby:
 -You stack and push things up to things so you can climb on them. 
 -With or without your sister's cues, when songs that we dance to come on you say up and will even come and get me to dance.
 -Right after I change your diaper, you promptly go and throw it out.
 -You LOVE to help clean up and I think that you think the cleaning up is more fun than the playing part.
-We are working on the parts of the body and when I say eyes you jab yourself in the eye yet when I say nose you point to your cheek. 
-You barely ever eat without a fork these days and you dominate that fork.

 -We got your hair cut for the second time on Saturday and she used the razor at the end and you didn't freak out at all. 
 -You like to go super high on the swings and LOVE when I stop you and tickle you.  EVERY single time it is HIGH-larious.  You will stay in it forever and usually you get out and then play and then get back in.
 -You have a fit if I don't let you go up and down any set of stairs (which adds a good 5 minutes to the routine)
-You still need me to come and sleep with you for you to fall asleep and since its only a matter of time before that ends so I'm taking the cuddles when I can get them. 
-If I ask for a kiss (and I do quite regularly) you will run over and give me one...usually.  It is one of the cutest things on this planet. 
-From the time you wake up till the time you go to bed, daily we read about 40 books - how cool is that?