Friday, March 23, 2012

Worm Destroyer

After it stopped raining, we got Brutus and went on a family walk. I came up upon a worm so naturally I picked it up and called you guys over to see it. You guys have never seen such a creature. Naturally, your sister was having NO part of it and continually yelled, "Asher! Asher! Asher!" as you went in for further look. You actually got a good enough grip of it to pick in up before you honestly accidently stepped on it ending its wormy life.

THEN, I found another one for you, but this time your true colors came out and you took your chunky toddler foot and with malice stepped on it smashing it in two and then maniacally laughed while rubbing your hands together. Okay maybe that's a stretch but not by much. As Dad was crying with laughter at you being SUCH a boy, I naturally went looking for another worm for you. A social experiment of sorts...

Oh wormy.

This is a pretty good representation of how we sleep

This very flattering picture of you and I (that's sarcasm people) is how we sleep most of the time.  You in the crook of my arm and me in some -probably uncomfortable - weird position.  As you can imagine, it really comfortable for you and not so much for me.  You are usually in your crib though.  I'm actually not sure how you got on Dad's side of the bed here. But I will do it for as long as you need me to because that's how I roll. 
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Sibling love

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Easter Bunny Visit 2012

Oh Asher you were so cute this Easter Bunny visit! As terrified as you were of Santa, that is how much you LOVED the Easter Bunny! You ran right up to him without any hesitation and you kept on petting him and poking his teeth. And after seeing your sister hug him a few times, you smashed your face into his a few times. You loved him so much that you didn't even notice you had your hat on. When we were leaving, you waved to him and were "talking" - obviously saying bye bye Easter Bunny, see you next year!

Side note - TWO random people came up to me and told me how adorable you looked and asked me where I got your outfit. TWO! But I mean look at how cute you looked! My little hipster baby.