Thursday, December 22, 2011
Milestone Moment
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Eleven Months Old!
So I forced you to stay on the couch.
And tried to jump off the couch.
Dear Asher,
Yesterday, you turned eleven months old. Writing that sentence actually caused me to kind of pause and think about crazy fast time passes by these days. I know that I say that every letter, but seriously little dude, its true. I’m narrowing all the details of your first birthday party down and that doesn’t help the nostoglia. Either does the fact that you are teething hardcore (read not sleeping) and when I’m tired, I’m somewhat emotional and nostoglic. So, here we go. Right now, you:
· Are still in full blown Mommy phase and I LOVE IT.
· Stand on your own in these 3 seconds bursts. You would do it longer I think but you are too busy laughing so you fall down. You think it is the funniest game we play this learning to stand game.
· Eat a good handful of solids and will at least try something before you decide that you don’t like it. Spaghetti is your fav at the moment.
· You go from still to running on all fours in like two seconds. I’ve never seen a child crawl as fast as you do.
· Put EVERYTHING in your mouth. EVERYTHING. OMG EVERYTHING. At least, twenty times a day I’m taking something out of your mouth or swiping it for contraband.
· Are the happiest, smiley baby I’ve ever known. You are generally just a happy child – laughing at the smallest thing, smiling back at people who smile at you, and hugging with your whole body.
· LOVE to read. You stand up holding onto my shoulder and let me read in 30 minute increments every day. I mean you can’t be bothered to sit in my lap – you need a better view I guess.
· Have a fascination with Elmo. When he is on, you are watching. There is no stopping it.
· Are in this phase where you like to bash things onto the floor/table,chair,someone’s face, whatever. You just like to take a toy and hit in over and over and over again against something till your hand gets tired.
· Spend a good portion of your awake time trying to get Brutus. Those rare times when you finally catch him for a second or two add fuel this desire.
· Have crazy curly hair when you first get up. A few curls stay around all the time, but in general they disappear randomly though out the day.
· Will entertain yourself for a decent portion of time and actually prefer to play by yourself sometimes. There are times when your sister is sleeping and I want to play ball or read and you just kind of give me the “don’t you have something to do” look
· LOVE music. You clap to it and love when we have dance parties.
· Must be standing up for 90% of your awake time. Sitting is not something you want to do.
· Desperately want to be your sister’s best friend but she is still resisting. You’ve stop pulling her hair so that’s a step in the right direction. When she is dancing or running back and forth through the house, you just stare at her with this glazed “OMG I can’t wait till I can do that” look.
· Have cheeks so adorable that to not kiss them constantly is a crime
· LOVE the bath. You don’t mind water in your eyes and enjoy all the splashing.
· Get joy in knocking down your sister’s block towers and ruining her puzzles. She’s not impressed.
· Have excellent body control. You go from laying on your back to full blown standing in seconds.
· Are more beefy and gorgeous everyday.
I Love you more than words can express.
What you learned about snow today...
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Stand -er
Today you kept standing solo all by yourself.
Dad has seen this phenomenon a few times in the past few days but scared you into falling with his excitement before I got a chance to see. Next step - Moving those legs forward while balancing your torso and upper body aka walking!